Ranches for sale in Utah

Utah Ranches for Sale

Browse Ranch Real Estate Listings for Sale in Utah

Ranching is common in drier areas, which means Utah can be great for ranching, with its desert climate. Utah’s ranches fill up to 22% of land area and most of the ranches are family farms which are very common in the U.S.

Ranch properties can be found throughout the state, but particularly thrive near the fisheries. Some of Utah’s best land is used for growing crops of fruits and vegetables along the Wasatch front.

Wildlife can be spotted in the most popular spot in Carbon Corridor, the natural habitat is the most diverse. Many wild animals roam throughout the state including Utah’s national parks; the animals found are deer, bighorn sheep, elk, rabbits, bats, foxes, and three different kinds of wild cats. A popular and successful hunting spot in Utah is in the Wasatch-Cache National Forest as they are known for their elk, moose, and deer.



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active label
Comprising of rolling hills and alfalfa hay fields, this ranch in Moroni, Utah has creek frontage to the Sanpitch River, and a powerful water well with tremendous capabilities.
191 AC
sold label
The Gunnison Butte Ranch is a Utah farm for sale with an excellent set of improvements and a central location near I-70. Located at the mouth of Gray Canyon on the Green River, the ranch offers the ultimate end-of-the-road privacy
485 AC

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