Ranches for sale in Nebraska

Nebraska Ranches for Sale

Browse Ranch Real Estate Listings for Sale in Nebraska

Nebraska’s climate and geography are ideal conditions for ranching, which is why it is such an important part of the state’s agricultural economy. Beef is Nebraska’s number one industry, it is not simple, but Nebraska has perfected it through the community commitment to raising cattle in a safe and environmentally sustainable manner. You will be able to find your perfect Nebraska ranch property through the UC Ranch website.  

Nebraska is one of the nicest, most welcoming, and friendly states. Even in the larger cities, people are overall genuinely nice and helpful. Nebraska has an exceptionally low crime rate, being 3.9% below the national average. Wherever you may go or need help with anything, there are always friendly faces you can count on.  

The largest cattle ranch in Nebraska is between Gordon NE and Ellsworth NE, called the Spade Ranch. It was founded in 1888 with its range being 500,000 acres. There is a large amount of wildlife in Nebraska, there are beavers, bobcats, black bears, minks, mountain lions, and cranes. Due to Nebraska’s beautiful diverse landscapes, and variety of game, it is one of the best places to hunt and explore. 



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The scenic & productive Deibler Ranch is perhaps the only property in the United States where you can have your morning coffee on the deck of your new home with a grand panoramic view of the sunrise over the high
1,369 AC
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Your new luxury log home for sale in Nebraska is a well designed 4000 sq.ft. of living space. This log home to the avid outdoorsman who will appreciate and expect this kind of luxury through out this property.
277 AC
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This cattle ranch in Sheridan County, NE for Sale is breathtaking! Spring Lake Ranch is one of the most productive and scenic cattle ranches in the Nebraska Sandhills. It is an elite, unique and premiere ranch.
19,395 AC
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With utilization of irrigated land, the ranch is owner rated at 500 cows year around plus feed to background all the calves. Due to the amazing Ogallala aquifer, the irrigation wells have shallow pumping depths with unlimited water.
3,925 AC
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Located in the preferred area of the Nebraska Sandhills at Bassett, Nebraska, which is home to one of the largest and best cattle auction markets in the Midwest, Bassett livestock auction.
197 AC
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Very scenic and productive cattle ranch at Stapleton, NE. Which is 30 miles north of North Platte, NE, and interstate 80. The ranch features Sandhill’s terrain, large tree groves, and 740 acres of pivot irrigated hay, grass, and forage crops.
380 AC

Nebraska Listing Map

Nebraska Offices

Cerny Land Home and Auction LLC
403 S. Lakeview Way
AgTeam Land Brokers
2802 Plumcreek Parkway, Suite E

Nebraska Blogs and Articles

Historic Nebraska Ranch Sells for $13 Million

February 1, 2022

A highly reputable ranch recently sold in the Sandhills area in Nebraska for $13 million. The ranch featured 19,000 acres...