Pivot Ranch in Eastern Montana for Sale
The Bowdoin Road Pivot Ranch in Malta, Montana is a terrific alfalfa seed production farm or hay base property, located in the heart of mule-deer and upland game bird hunting territory. A full-time or absentee owner can enjoy the North Central Montana lifestyle with a ranch property that is relatively easy to operate and maintain. The offering totals 1,533.55+/- acres, with 305+/- acres of irrigated hayfields served by a 1,950’ pivot irrigation system. The remaining acres consists of 680.3+/- acres of improved pasture and 490.5+/- acres of native grass. 305 acres carry irrigation rights from the Malta Irrigation District, with a water turn on date of May 15th and a shut off of September 1st. In addition the ranch has a 100’ deep irrigation well that services the pivot as a secondary water option with an output of 1,500 gallons per minute.
The Bowdoin Pivot Ranch has few improvements and those structures on the ranch are utilitarian. Aside from the T&L 2018 Center Pivot Sprinkler Irrigation System, the main improvements are a 150-horsepower pump that services the irrigation well and a 125 horsepower pump that brings water out of the irrigation canal to the pivot, all included in the sales price. The irrigation system is robust enough to put down 1/2” of water across the 305+/- acres in approximately 26 hours. Power to use the well and irrigate the property has consistently run between $10,000.00-$15,000.00 annually. The well has a 16” well casing and provides approximately 70 pounds of pressure at the pivot. Property taxes in 2022 were $12,612.00. 50% of the existing mineral rights will be retained by the property owner.
The property averages a yield of approximately 600 pounds per acre of alfalfa seed on the 152.5 +/- acre north field, seeded most recently in 2018. In the spring of 2023 Alfalfa was seeded in 24” rows on the 152.5+/- acre south field and millet was seeded as a cover crop. Red Siberian Millet was selected to compete as little as possible with the young alfalfa plants for light, water, and mineral elements. The owner’s 32 years of experience in seed production lends to his expertise in choosing and maintaining a healthy alfalfa stand. Three tons per acre of hay was produced in one cutting this past year from the south field, and 5-6 tons of hay per acre on the property can be an annual anticipated production amount. If a new producer wanted to run cattle, 100 head for 6 months would be a conservative estimate.
No living quarters currently exist on the property, making it a blank slate for a new owner. Phillips County, Montana, is ideally situated for hunting and recreation. The area is well known for excellent big game hunting, specifically for whitetail, mule deer and occasional moose. It is located in hunting region 620. The ranch has an abundant upland bird game population including Ringed-neck pheasant, Sage grouse, and sharp-tailed grouse. Bowdoin National Wildlife Refuge area, is less than a mile away from the property’s north boundary. Recreational activities such as wildlife observation, photography, hiking, cross-country skiing, and upland bird and waterfowl hunting can be enjoyed on the Refuge. Public access hunting in Phillips County is outstanding, the Malta BLM Field Office manages resources and activities on 1.1 million surface acres of huntable area making it an ideal location for outdoorsmen.