Curt Blackburn


Curt Blackburn is the owner of United Country Jett Blackburn Real Estate Inc. located in Burns Oregon. Jett Blackburn Real Estate is a family owned business and has served Harney County since 1960. Jett Blackburn Real Estate has been in the family for three generations started Curt’s grandfather Jett and his father Jett C. Blackburn selling houses, farms, and ranches in Eastern Oregon for decades.

Curt grew up in Harney County and as a kid worked cattle ranches and on hay farms. He currently still has a hay farm in the Burns area. After graduating from Oregon Institute of Technology in Klamath Falls Oregon with an associate degree in Electronic Engineering and a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Management, Curt came back to Burns, OR to work in the family business. He has been a licensed real estate agent since 1990.

When not selling real estate, Curt helped coach the Burns High School Football for 19 years, served on the City of Burns Council, sat on the Harney County Hospital budget board and the Harney County budget board. Curt is a member of the Shriners (Al Kader), Lions, and Elks Club. His hobbies include an active life style with hunting, fishing, snowmobiling and flying his drone filming his listing. Curt has a vast knowledge of real estate in eastern Oregon and has sold all typed of real estate, houses, commercial, bare land, recreational, forest, farms and ranches in Harney, Grant, Lake, Malheur and Crook counties. He specialized in Ag and Recreational properties. With his years of experience and knowledge in real estate make him an asset for all of your real estate needs.


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Waldron Farm is a high producing alfalfa operation that is supplied by a large irrigation well, variable frequency drive, & a variety of outbuildings.
274 AC
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The Lower Silvies River Ranch is located approximately 30 minutes Southeast of Burns, Oregon. The owner has been using the ranch as summer pasture for roughly 300 head of cattle.
2,905 AC
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This farm/ranch in Riley is situated in the high desert of Harney County, between Bend & Burns. The area is known for its rich soils & dry fluctuating temperatures.
1,007 AC
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The Leathers Farm/Ranch is an eastern Oregon outfit nestled in the high desert of Harney County approximately 30 miles south of Burns, Oregon.
1,700 AC
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Nestled in the heart of Eastern Oregon, this farm/ranch in Harney County enjoys a prime location approximately a quarter mile off Hwy 78. Situated just 25 minutes east of the town of Burns and a mere 5 minutes west of
720 AC
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Cottonwood Ranch presents a tranquil retreat from urban life & busy highways where the only sounds are the working ranch life & surrounding nature. Situated in Southeastern Oregon along the Nevada border.
1,027 AC
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This eastern Oregon ranch in Fields has pride of ownership written all over it. The Running G Farm is located just north of the Nevada-Oregon border in a picturesque area.
640 AC
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Dog Mountain Farm is truly one of the nicest alfalfa hay farms in Harney County. Most of the soils are sandy loam and the owner has been proactive in water management.
1,719 AC
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Weaver Springs Farm has a great location about 26 miles south of Burns, Oregon. There is approx. 2,400 tons of hay storage capability, 20-ton truck scales and a 300 head feed lot.
1,473 AC
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This Eastern Oregon organic farm/ranch in Lake County features 561 deeded acres, 399 acres of water rights, reservoir, & a variety of improvements making it an ideal setup for a range of buyers. Located nearly 15 minutes from Lakeview.
561 AC
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This Eastern Oregon farm/ranch - the Narrows Pivots - is south of Burns Oregon nestled in a picturesque valley with a tapestry of the Steens Mountains & agricultural prosperity.
760 AC
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Silver Sage Farm is an eastern Oregon outfit nestled in the high desert of Harney County approximately 25 miles south of Burns Oregon. Rolling hills with sandy loam make up the terrain for this large operation.
6,537 AC
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The Sheley Ranch is situated 15 minutes East of Burns Oregon off highway 20. The farm is a encompasses a total of 1,220+/- acres with 725+/- acres in water rights.
1,220 AC
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Puckett Ranch is an Eastern Oregon ranch located south of Burns Oregon. The property is a high desert outfit with 5,444.83(+/-) deeded acres, an additional 240 acres of state lease, & 955.10(+/-) acres of water rights.
5,444 AC
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Briggs Ranch is an Eastern Oregon ranch that is 40 minutes south of Burns Oregon in the high desert. Bordered next to the Malheur Wildlife Refuge, the ranch consists of 5,058(+/-) acres deeded with 1,114 acres of pivot irrigation.
5,058 AC
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This Eastern Oregon farm/ranch is nestled along the south-facing slope of Wright’s Point, offering spectacular scenery of the high desert and its own private oasis at the end of a county road.
453 AC
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Recreational Ranch in Harney County - This Eastern Oregon acreage is a remote getaway where Emigrant Creek and Silvies River meet that is roughly 20 miles North of Burns.
512 AC
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Johnny Creek Ranch for sale in Eastern Oregon with beautiful country home and varied acreage. Can be used as cattle ranch, horse ranch and agricultural land.
360 AC
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Big Basin Ranch is found in the picturesque canyons of Kimberly Oregon adjacent to the John Day River.
3,915 AC
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This Eastern Oregon Farm/Ranch in Eastern Oregon is located in idyllic Kimberly Oregon Valley where nature’s boundary and rustic charm converge. This property is on the picturesque bank of the North Fork John Day River.
295 AC
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This High Desert Ranch in Brothers is located in Eastern Oregon only 45 minutes east from Bend Oregon off Hwy 20. The owner has been running 500 head of mother cows and with only purchasing 500 tons of hay.
7,284 AC
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This semi-secluded property and the surrounding public lands have consistently produced a great mule deer and Rocky Mountain Elk population for hunting. Other wildlife in the area includes black bear, antelope, bobcats & cougars along with ducks & sage grouse.
1,179 AC
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This area is known in Harney County as one of the best producing areas for grass & alfalfa hay. We produce some of the highest quality hay in the northwest. This ranch has a great location boarding a paved county
1,473 AC
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This is a great cattle and hay ranch approximately 37 miles SE of Burns Oregon on Hwy 78. The current owner pastures approximately 125 head of heifers all summer on the deeded land on a small BLM permit that is
2,015 AC
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This High Desert Cattle Ranch in Deschutes County is located in Eastern Oregon only 45 minutes east from Bend Oregon off Hwy 20. The owner has been running 500 head of mother cows and with only purchasing 500 tons of
7,285 AC
Contact Curt Blackburn